Did you ever wish to be a detective? Have you ever investigated in a social matter? Do you wish to be one of the stepping stone on a WAY towards a change? Then, this is the ultimate opportunity for you. After the successful Winter Internship, We And You (WAY) Foundation is organizing its very First Summer Internship, 2015 from 15th June, 2015 to 29th June, 2015 and is inviting applications for the same.
The Summer Internship is themed on Child Beggary in Chandigarh and the program will be including mapping of the beggars in the City Beautiful, the study on the working of Chandigarh Administration regarding Child Beggary, awareness camp, street play, etc.
Who all can apply: Any college student from any field of study
Last Date to apply: 27th May, 2015
Duration: 15 days (15th June, 2015 to 29th June, 2015)
Location for the internship: Chandigarh
No. of seats: 25
Procedure to apply: The interested students shall mail their CVs with a proper letter of intent to the e-mail id ‘internship.wayfoundation@gmail.com’ with the subject titled ‘Application for Summer Internship, 2015’.
Selection Process: The details regarding the further selection process are available at the official website.
Registration fee: Rs. 300/- (the amount shall be used for the arrangements of the awareness camp in the slum area)
Stipends: No
Accommodation: No
Official Website: www.weandyoufoundation.org
For further details and queries, Contact: internship.wayfoundation@gmail.com