This is a portal to file RTI applications/first appeals online along with payment gateway. One has to pay a fee of Rs. 10 for seeking information.Payment can be made through internet banking of SBI & its associate banks and debit/credit cards of Master/Visa.Through this portal, RTI applications/first appeals can be filed by Indian Citizens only for the main ministries/departments of Central Govt., located at New Delhi.The President and Vice President’s Office, Ministry of Home Affairs, External Affairs Ministry and Union Public Service Commission are among 37 ministries or departments facilitating online RTI applications. In case an application contains more than 500 words, it can be uploaded as an attachment. RTI applications/first appeals should not be filed for other Public authorities under Central or State Govt through this portal.This is a very progressive achievement it will help people who are technological savvy to file RTI applications online.
Help Desk : For any queries related to this portal, Please contact at 011-24622461, during normal office hours.