Call for Papers: Volume II, Issue 1 of Journal on Corporate Law and Governance, National Law University, Jodhpur.
The Journal offers a forum for critical research on interplay of contemporary issues in corporate law, both from an academic and industry perspective. Along with exploring the various problems and challenges that affect the corporate world, the Journal attempts to explore and offer workable solutions, which may be helpful in regulatory and policy decisions.
The broad theme of the Journal for Volume II Issue 1 is -“The Ease of Doing Business: A New Era of Corporate Law in India”.
- Private Placement and Preferential Allotment
- Alternate Capital Raising Platform
- Crowd Funding
- Front Running and Insider Trading
- Gift City: India’s First Financial SEZ
- The Companies Amendment Act, 2015
Any other article on the general theme but outside the scope of the sub-themes is also welcome.
The deadline for receipt of submissions is September 10, 2015.
Please note that the submissions must conform to the following requirements:
- The acceptable length of Articles is between 5000-8000 words, and of Notes and Comments
is between 3000-5000 words, including footnotes.
- All submissions must include an abstract of not more than 300 words, explaining the main
idea, objective of the article and the conclusions drawn from it.
- The Authors should conform to the Standard Indian Legal Citation (SILC) footnoting style.
- Authors should provide their contact details, designation and institutional affiliation in the
covering letter for the submission. Each submission may have up to two authors.
Authors are requested to send an electronic version of their manuscripts (.doc or .docx format) to with the subject as : “Submission- [Name of Author] –Volume II Issue 1.”
The deadline for receipt of submissions is September 10, 2015.