Minorities in post independent India have witnessed many ups and downs. The constitution of India which came into effect on 26th January 1950 has empowered the minorities by conferring some special fundamental rights under the constitution but it has achieved little objective. Although, plethora of legislative and executive efforts has been made by the governments to emancipate the status of minorities but the conditions have not improved much. The idea of inclusive development can be achieved only by mainstreaming of minorities in India which accounts for about 20 % of the total population of the country. The purpose of this Book is to highlight the true status of minorities in post independent India and focus on the ongoing efforts for the welfare of Minorities in India. The book shall also focus on the current challenges faced by minorities in our country and their optimum solution in a constitutional and democratic way.
So, authors are invited to submit their articles to the chief Editor at the following e-mail address
Various Themes for the paper.
- Status of Minorities in post independent India.
- Protection to Minorities under the umbrella of United Nations.
- Constitutional safeguards to Minorities in India.
- Higher education and Minorities in India
- Welfare schemes for minorities under the government and nongovernmental organizations.
- Women empowerment and Minorities
- Inclusion and exclusion of Minorities: the role of protective discrimination.
- Minorities movement in India
- Role of media and Minorities.
- Issues and challenges to Minorities.
Submission Guidelines
- All submissions (in soft copy and via email) must be accompanied by:
- A covering letter with the name(s) of the author(s), official designation, institution/affiliation, the title of the paper and contact number.
- A Certificate that the paper submitted is a piece of original research work and has not been copied or published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
- An abstract of not more than 200 words.
- Articles should be in English language only and in conformity with the mentioned rules for submission.
- Electronic submissions (on email) should ideally be made in Word Format (.doc)/ (docx).
- The main text must be in Times New Roman , Font Size 12 with 1.5 space and the citations should strictly conform to the rules inThe Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th edition).This mode of citation must be strictly followed otherwise the paper shall not be considered for publication.T
- he word limit for articles is approximately 4000-5000 (including footnotes). Authors are requested to follow the word limit strictly; otherwise the submissions shall be rejected.
- In case of references from websites, complete URL address, along with the last date of accessing the website should be mentioned.P
- Papers submissions to the Review shall be evaluated by the nominated Referees. A mere submission of a contribution shall not confer any claim for publication.
- Editorial Board, of the book shall reserve the right to take decision to publish the paper or not.
- Submission of a paper shall be taken to imply that it is an unpublished work and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
- Papers /articles are to be submitted in duplicate. A soft copy of the article/paper should be sent .Authors are requested to verify references and quotations before submitting the papers.P
- Plagiarism of any kind is prohibited and Submissions is liable to be rejected.
- The book shall be published with ISSN No. and a copy of book as well as a certificate of publication shall be given to each selected author.
Important Dates
The last date for submissions of abstract is: 30th June 2016
Communication of Acceptance of abstract: 10th July 2016
Last date for final submission of full paper: 30th July, 2016
Communication of acceptance of full paper: 5th Aug, 2016
Last date of Registration: 10th Aug, 2016
Final publication of book : By 15th September 2016
Publication Charges
For Single Author: 1000 INR only
For Co-Authored Article: 1500 INR only (Maximum of two authors).
For Further Details contact
Chief editor : Dr.Qurratul Aein Ali
Asst. Professor
Department of Social work
A.M.U ,Aligarh
Contact email: qurratulali@gmail.com,
Contact no : 8439845010, 7417304357