Name. College. Year of Study
Aamir Khan, Lloyd Law College, studying in the 3rd year of LLB (5 years ) course.
Name of the organisation. City
Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT), New Delhi.
How big was the office? Team strength?
The Office of TDSAT is at the third and fourth Floor of Hotel Samrat, Chankyapuri, New Delhi having spacious rooms and Court Rooms.
Application procedure. Internship contact details
The Application form can be Downloaded from the link here.
All the details with attached resume can be mailed to TDSAT.
Duration in weeks. No. of days/week. Timings
The Internship should be minimum of 4 weeks and maximum of 6 weeks with the office timings of 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Accommodation: how, where, how was it?
I live in Noida itself so accommodation was not a problem. Hotel Samrat has a metro station nearby and reaching it is not a problem.
First impression. First day, formalities etc.
This high- profile hotel should make me work hard was the first thing I had in my mind when I entered the place.
Searching for the right room I was wandering sometimes on the third then on the fourth floor because there are other offices too.
I was an early bird so I was relaxed that it was still time for the office to open. At sharp 10 a.m. office opened and the officials started coming. A group of four interns and interns from other colleges also joined the place.
We were made to learn the TRAI regulation and other Acts, the very first day. They wanted us to learn the law before we started working on it. This was the best approach.
Main tasks
The work at TDSAT included everything from menial to dexterous typing, to research, case commentaries and research on TRAI Reports.
The daily work also included the observance of the Court Room proceedings and Home work given to us by Justice S.B. Sinha.
Work environment, people
The work environment was more of being a Typist and book worm, doing research and typing work. This desk job indulged all the interns in books and internet search engines available in the library.
Best things?
This internship at TDSAT will make one learn about the procedures followed in a Tribunal and other necessities. Also, one learns much about the TRAI regulations and proceedings.
The interesting cases one reads in the newspapers or the internet can be practically witnessed here. I was fortunate to hear the arguments in the Court Room on lifting the ban on the SMS limit due to use of Whatsapp and BBM.
This tribunal made me realise how the people in a Court Room can influence the day to day lives of an individual.
Bad things?
The internship at TDSAT was a learning process but much of my time went doing nothing because the daily tasks use to finish soon and then due to that I use to leave the office early. Also, you have to walk the distance to grab some food or snacks.
What did you do to chill? Co-interns, colleagues
I with the other co- interns use to walk down the lane and find the best out of so many “bhawans”, like the “bihar bhawan”, That of “Jammu and Kashmir” and use to enjoy the delicacies of various states, during the lunch time.
Stipend/ month
No stipend was given.