Tamil Nadu National Law School (TNNLS), Trichy, invites applications for admission to Five Year BA LLB (Hons.) degree course for the Academic year 2013-2014.
Eligibility :
- Higher Secondary (10+2) /CBSE/Other examination recognaed as equivalent thereto with not less than 45% of marks m aggregate (40% in case of SC/ST candidates)
- Below 20 years of age as on 1st Jury 2013 [22 years m case of SOST candidates], and
- The applicant should be a candidate participated m the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) – 2013.
Application can be obtained in person or by post from the office of the Registrar, The Tamil Nadu National Law School, Navalurkuttapattu Srirangam Taluk. Tiruchirappaili – 020 009, on or after 28.06.2013 by paying a prescribed fee of Rs 1.000/- (Rs 500/- for SC ST) in the form of Demand Draft drawn m favour of ” The Registrar, The Tamil Nadu National Law School” from any of the nationalized bank payable at Tiruchirappaili Candidates requesting application by post should pay Rs 100/- additionally.
Application can also be downloaded from www.tnnls.in
Download Admission Brochure Here.
Information Courtesy: Abhinav Kumar, KIIT Law School.