This post is written by Md Altamas Zaheer Ali, a 1st-year student of Amity Law School, Chhattisgarh.
Disaster due to AMPHAN (Cyclone)
A system of winds rotating around a centre of low atmosphere, a low-pressure system, a South Pacific and Indian ocean weather phenomenon that result in winds speed of around 150 to 200 km/h.
Super cyclone which results in winds speed of more than 200 km/h. Cyclone, Hurricane and Typhoons are all the same but called with a different region. In the Atlantic and Northeast Pacific ocean, it’s called a Hurricane, In Northwest, it’s called typhoon name are finalize by Tokyo Typhoon centre but these are nominated by century, Cyclone occur of the South Pacific and Indian ocean and it’s named so.
The current cyclone are is Amphan and next will be called Nisarager and after that, it will be called Gati.
AMPHAN when and how?
In the bay of Bengal on May 13 on the area low pressure formed. In which south-east part of the bay of Bengal low pressure is formed because of heat, as the one heat up the layer of the oceans warm moist air over the ocean rises up word from the surface as the air rises it causes an area low pressure under in it immediately the surrounding Cold air which is at higher pressure raises to fill the gap then this cool air that which replaces warm air, in turn, become warm and moist, this raises up to continue as a cycle than the low-pressure system intensifies this happens May 13 with Amphan and than Strom started intensifying the warm humid air keep raising and forming cloud at the top and expend depression to the whole system clouds, because of wind started to spin and grow in size. The centre of the cyclone is eye where everything is a clam.
On May 16 the Indian meteorological department (IMD) reported that low pressure had become depression. It was over 1000 km away from the coast Odisha that point but it started growing and moving gradually towards the north it became more intense and it was again reclassified into a wind. After that the wind was unstable, the cyclone vertical wind shear, when wind flows vertically side base into a cyclone destabilises cyclonic structure but the cyclone was still powerful during these days rainfall in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. May 17 wind shear cleared and Cyclone begins to intensify.
It was then upgraded cyclonic storm but immediately after that it underwent the process called explosive cyclogenesis the resulted to a phenomenon cold-weather bomb or weather cyclone, cyclone rapidly become bigger and stronger in just a matter of few hours, that the process of the size Amphan top of the cyclone was over 1000 kilometre in wide now the Bay of Bengal produces much deadly cyclone then the Arabian Sea cyclone from both side of the coast but the cyclone from the side of India are far more deadly intensive and destructive there are many reasons for this one of the reason is that the geography when it comes to Africa the mountain in East Africa tends to distract a lot of wind towards Arabian Peninsula hits much more effectively in the Arabian Sea, as a result, it this part of the ocean remain relatively cool and produces few a cyclone but because of the shape of the land around the Bay of Bengal the winds are slow to move and they are much weaker over the Ocean.
The storm spins anticlockwise the storm in the Northern hemisphere spin anticlockwise the southern hemisphere spin clockwise because of the Coriolis effect state in the east coast of India has relative flatter plane land as compared to the other cost preventing any deflection of wind because Odisha lies right at the point where Indian coastline curves it is very large curved which makes a very easy target for more from a lot of change since 1999 Odisha Cyclone interested in the area now much better equipped to handle severe cyclone, however, Amphan comes right in the middle of the deadly disease. The complications are much larger the state government has to prepare evacuation shelter turns into a potential COVID-19 hotspot.
Area affected due to Amphan
Many areas have been destroyed because of the cyclone. South 24 namkhana Parganas and north 24 Parganas are the most affected area. Behala in Kolkata, Howrah and Hooghly area where it has been seen that tree fall, electric polls broke, many area were submerged. Many areas there were water logging in the city. Jetty at kachuberia in South Parganas was connected to the mainland with Satan island has been damaged. Kakduip, in 24 Parganas and Minakha Hingalganj in North Parganas we’re affected. Alipore wealth officer recorded that wind speed of about 112km/h and at Dumdum it was about 133 km/h. There was heavy rainfall in Nadia and Murshidabad district of north Bengal.
Relief Funds as helping hands:-
• Central Government
• The West Bengal State Emergency Relief Fund
• Jadavpur Commune
• Humans of Patuli Neighbourhood COVID/Amphan support team:
• Amphan Super Cyclone Response by Quarantined Student-Youth Network (QSY)
• International Fundraiser for West Bengal State Emergency Relief Fund
• Asha for Education NGO- Cyclone Amphan Devastating West Bengal & Odisha Regions:
• Sabuj Sangha
• Give A Litte (Ektu Deen)
• Help Association
• Mukti
• Rahat Amphan cyclone by Goonj
• Amphan super cyclone response by Quarantine student youth network
• Sharmajeebi Swasthya
• Ebony Alap
• Human of Patuli
• Ju Commune