Rajiv Gandhi School of IP Law, IIT Kharagpur Short Term Course on ‘Arbitration and Business Disputes Resolution in the Era of E-Commerce’, June 24- 26, 2015
Rajiv Gandhi School of IP Law, IIT Kharagpur is organizing Short Term Course on ARBITRATION AND BUSINESS DISPUTES RESOLUTION IN THE ERA OF E-COMMERCE , June 24- 26, 2015.
The course is intended for people with any legal background. It is also suitable for executives and students with strong interests in the area of cyber-law, e-commerce and alternate dispute resolution. In particular, students of LLM and PhD programs are also welcome.
§ Cross-border business disputes
§ Business disputes resolution
§ Methods of dispute resolution
§ International arbitration
§ New technologies and arbitration
§ Technology-enabled arbitration
§ Online dispute resolution
§ Cyber-arbitration
§ Arbitration of E-commerce disputes
The Course Fee for the above course is Rs. 2,800. The fee includes the charges for accommodation for 3 days, the course materials, refreshments and the participation certificate. However, for those who wish to stay at single and air conditioned rooms at the guest house of the Institute, the additional charges will have to be borne by the participants. They should also note that such places are very limited.
You can find more details at http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/downloads/rg_stc_1516_ecom.pdf